About Me

I am an empath by nature and have always had a keen intuition.

Hello, I AM Amanda Joy

Introverted, humble, sassy and strong.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

When I love I love with my all which in turn means when I hurt I feel it deeply.

I am inspired by raw and real soul conversations.

A cold beer and campfires are my weakness leading to all night affairs.

I believe in the soul soothing abilities of a good country song and I’m happiest
surrounded by my family and friends in the West Country.

I love to explore, travel and experience new adventures, I trust life is meant to be lived to its fullest and I encourage others to step outside of their comfort zones.

I am an advocate for deep healing and believe your emotions have a right to be felt, even the perceived ‘bad ones.’ I have
witnessed the value of mere minutes and know the gut wrenching pain of loss.

I have sat in despair, lived with shame and entered the dark.

I have stumbled, made mistakes and learned to pick myself up.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it’s no accident that you are reading this right now.

I am continually learning, growing and seeking and

 I feel the presence of angels and trust in the guidance of the divine.

Healing is about welcoming all parts of your Self. Even the shadows.

Do you find yourself lost in a daily struggle of “Who am I”?

Have you experienced a major life event that has shaken everything you understood life to be? Or perhaps you are living the build up of many years of storing and suppressing emotions? Are you ready to explore the other side of safety and do the work to ensure your life is lived in the purest essence of joy possible?

I have witnessed the fragility of life and the value of minutes.

I have lived the reality of a beautiful afternoon turning to utter tragedy and experienced the veil of darkness come sweeping over everything that used to offer joy.

I have felt the shields of protection that immediately begin to form to protect from self-destruction from the sheer terror of trauma and the inability to begin to feel my way through as the layers continue to build and the emotions journey deeper into the body as a safety mechanism.

I know this because this was my reality.

Anxiety, panic, withdrawing, lashing out, sadness and anger began to conquer my life.

On the outside appearing to be healthy, full of life and moving forward but on the inside the deep trauma still existed and was controlling my ability to live life joyfully.

It was becoming too much and began to threaten my health with psoriasis, and ultimately a brief scare with cancer.

It was time to do the work.

Over the past 9 years I have worked through many healing modalities, each offering their own unique benefits and allowing my journey to unfold as it was meant to be.

From energy medicine, yoga, meditation, targeted cleanses for the physical body, family constellation workshops, shamanic journeys, trauma workshops, plant medicine, breathwork and angelic reiki I have brought pieces of every modality together to create an alchemy of healing to others.

I am an empath by nature and have always had a keen intuition.

My gentle manner, approachable personality and openness to share has created a beautiful relationship with my clients.

My passion in life continues to build upon that of learning to honor our emotions as spiritual beings and to remind my clients that there are no good or bad emotions, they all deserve to be felt to their full intensity so that life can shift through the darkness into the light.

Thus offering an ‘Illumination of the Soul’.

I would love to hear about you! Let’s set up a free discovery session.

"Sensations are to the body as taste is to the tongue." Cory Muscara

My Offerings
White Circle Profile Photo Instagram Post

1:1 Breathwork Ceremony

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1:1 Somatic Trauma Recovery

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Souls Unbound 2.0 Heli-Hike Retreat

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Souls Unbound 2.0 Luxury Yacht Retreat

“Amanda is the real deal. She has the ability to hold a space that is both safe and open. She not only listens, she understands and cares. Whether your work with her is a grounding yoga practice, or a transformational reiki session, or a profound experience with breathwork, Amanda will guide you through it with ease, grace and love. Working with Amanda is a gift to yourself. ”

Amanda’s Journey Within course was everything I didn’t know I needed and more. It was an eye and heart opening experience that left me with balance, warmth and a newfound sisterhood. J.N.

These past eight weeks have been so amazing and I am so very grateful for all the sharing and tools. We all have our own journeys but having that safe space to share is so beneficial. We are not alone and taking one step at a time is not so overwhelming. Relaxation and meditation were huge to me. I look forward to the future. Thanks so much.

A fantastic workshop, a real growth and solidification of growth and opportunity.

Amanda brings energy and a love to her classes that made me feel included, loved and heard. She holds space for anyone. She absolutely provides a place to share and be heard. I never felt judged with her class and the want to judge others fell away. I was able to practice the lessons each week in the real world. It made me become more awake and aware of myself and the world around me. Amanda you are a gift and an angel.

Amanda created a beautifully safe space for all of us to journey together through our energy centers and release that which was no longer serving us. I have healed my heart in so many ways through this work. The breathwork allowed for me to get free from the stuck space I had been living my life from and reconnect to the me I knew and missed. I feel so supported in her groups, it is a true sisterhood.

A Journey Within! I have learned to let go! The past 8 weeks has been an amazing journey of my mind, heart and soul. With your guidance: I feel that my heart is full of love for myself, my voice, it’s time to be heard and all of my chakras are cleansed and shining bright. I am ready to enjoy love, share and dream with the beauty of my heart and mind. You are amazing. Thank you – I am so full of gratitude for you, your passion and your guidance!

The Journey Within has helped me feel more connected and motivated to open up and explore my vulnerability. Amanda has a warm calming presence and created a space where our group felt safe and heard. Every class has been different and offered new tools like breathwork and meditation. Going into class I wasn’t sure what each class would bring but it was just what I needed every week and I’m excited to continue to journey.

This journey has been amazing. The part of just being in a room of people who are all like-minded feel freeing. Having a journey to work through has been so powerful. Just focusing on one part of your life a week when normally I don’t have time to work on myself has been a treat. I cannot thank you enough for this experience.

I learned I am OK and not weird with my own gifts. That I want to make a difference in the world but didn’t know where to go. I have an idea now and am not afraid. My body alignments were out and I need to continually keep them in.  I pick up energies and am not weird, how I can’t be around certain people. Keep on your Journey, you are making a difference in other peoples lives.

I have always known their is more to us then what we see. You have helped me see and feel life and the greatness is our life and others. Your insight and energy are a magnet to me and you help me feel normal and I feel more like me. Thank you!